Now you can look after your people with a service that your staff will really appreciate. HR Directors know how popular health benefits are and more and more companies are starting to recognise that it’s not just senior staff that should receive the benefit to their health, wellbeing and performance – but the same should apply to all staff, you know that investing in the personal health and wellness of your staff is crucial for your company performance and theirs. It improves productivity, profitability and shows that the company has a positive culture of health.
All successful companies rely on their workforce and their productivity which is why it is paramount they achieve and maintain optimal health in order to deliver maximum physical and mental performance. Whatever stage of your corporate wellness journey you are at, Ultimate U Fitness can help.
We are experts within the fitness industry and have over 22 years experience in managing and running facilities in a number of different settings and organisations.
It is important to have full inclusion offered to each and every staff member as part of your internal staff wellness program.
With the pressures of modern work environments, staff not only need to be physically well but mentally well too.
Finding the time to inspire your own team to start a health and fitness journey can be a real challenge.
The pure effort and time involved in running the organisation makes it a ‘nice to have’ but is often unsustainable.
Ultimate U Fitness inspires people in organisations to be better than their best every day.
Our Corporate Wellness Program is part of a wellbeing initiative to help your staff and their families, to achieve lifestyle improvements through modulated education, implementing weekly healthy habits, nutrition, mindset, accountability and exercise.