Magnesium 101: What You Really Need to Know

3rd January 2019

Magnesium is one of those nutrients we don’t hear about too much, despite the fact that it’s one of the most abundant minerals in our bodies.


It’s the fourth most abundant mineral that we have!


So what role does magnesium play?


Do we really need to be consuming magnesium or taking supplements?

Let’s find out…

Despite magnesium being so abundant in our body, many people don’t get enough of it.

Some studies say that up to 68% of adults don’t get enough magnesium in accordance with the recommended daily intake (RDI).


So how much magnesium should we be consuming on a daily basis to keep our body functioning as it should?


Adult men should consume 420 mg/day, while adult women should consume 320 mg/day.

There could be consequences from consuming too much magnesium or not enough magnesium:

Now that we know the importance of magnesium, where do we find magnesium?


Good news! There are plenty of magnesium-rich natural food sources.

Magnesium can also be absorbed through the skin, so consider using a magnesium oil or lotion that contains magnesium.


But, clearly the easiest (and yummiest) way of getting in your daily magnesium – is to include plenty of food sources high in this multi-tasking mineral, such as creamy pumpkin seed butters!




Creamy Pumpkin Seed Butter




230g raw pumpkin seeds

1-2 tsp. oil (grapeseed or olive)



  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Spread the pumpkin seeds on a baking sheet.
  3. Bake for 10-12 minutes, until lightly golden.
  4. Cool for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Put the pumpkin seeds in a food processor.
  6. Run the food processor for approximately 4-5 minutes, until the pumpkin seeds begin to have the texture of butter. If necessary, stop the food processor and scrape the sides.
  7. Continue running the food processor for another 2-5 minutes until the pumpkin seeds have the texture of butter. Add some of the oil, as needed, until the desired consistency is obtained.